Journal Publications (Peer-Reviewed)
  • Nousia A., Batsis D., (2023). ''The Application of ICT in Early Childhood Education with an Emphasis on Music Education'', European Journal of Open Education and E-learning Studies, 8 (1), doi: 10.46827/ejoe.v8i1.4628, pp. 86 - 96.   
  • Batsis D., Bitsikas X., (2022). ''The Zone: A Study of Sound Art as Hyperreality'', Leonardo, MIT Press, 55 (5),, pp. 508 - 511.  

  • Batsis D., (2021). ''Parody, Performance and Heteronimity in Contemporary Greek Experimental Music Scene'', series of specialized scientific podcasts and publications entitled ''Take off the Masks! Aspects and Functions of Invented Identities", Department of Modern Greek Studies, University of Munich (LMU München). (Greek only)

  • Batsis D., Nousia, A. (2021). ''Music as a Basic Communication Factor Between Infant and Parent'', Musical Pedagogics, 19, ISSN 17901618, pp. 25-41. (Greek only) 

  • Aretouli E., Batsis D., Zioga E., Mantziou S. (2021), ''Effects of Music on the Brain Development of Preterm Infants'', Interscientific Health Care, Jan-Mar2021, 13 (1), ISSN 1791-9649, pp. 36-45. (Greek only)

  • Batsis D., Intellect, (2013). Who’s Who in Research: Visual Arts, Bristol, Intellect Books, ISBN 9781841504957, p. 2008. url 

  • Batsis D., Bitsikas X., Georgaki A., Evaggelu A., Tigas P. (2012). ''Biomusic: The Carrier'', Technoetic Arts, 9, 2(3), doi: 10.1386/tear.9.2-3.215_1, pp. 215-222.

Conference Papers on Sound and Visual Art (Peer-Reviewed)
  • Batsis D., Invergo B., (2024).  '' Hauntology in Sound Art: Echoes of Memory, Live Coding and Generative AI'', Proceedings from 2nd Sound and New Media Art Conference: New Sentient and Spectrums,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
  • Batsis D., Grigoriadou, (2024). ''Embodied Vibrations: Exploring Interactive Audio Systems in the Alienating Realm'', Proceedings from Ambiances 2024: 5th International Congress on Ambiances | Sensory Explorations: Ambiances in a Changing World.  ISBN 978-989-757-300-2, pp. 90-99.
  • Batsis D., Grigoriadou M., El Raheb K., Politis, A. (2023). ''Disembodiment in VR: Immersed in 3D Audio Experiences'', Proceedings from the 28th International Symposium of Electronic Art ISEA 2023. doi: 10.69564/ISEA2023-43-full-Batsis-et-al-Disembodiment-in-VR, pp. 281-294. 

  • Grigoriadou, M., Batsis, D., Loukakis G., Lekkas T., (2023). ''The Recurring Displeasures Of The Virtual Reality Environments; A Speculative Approach.'', Proceedings from the 5th International Conference Digital Culture and Audiovisual Challenges: Interdisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology DCAC 2023. url

  • Batsis D., Grigoriadou, M. (2021). ''Disrupted Embodiments: Bio-Manifestations In Sound Art'', Proceedings from the 3rd International Conference Digital Culture and Audiovisual Challenges: Interdisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology DCAC 2021. url

  • Batsis D., Chatzigiannis E. (2013). ''Ioannina Polyphonia - Acoustic Ecologies'', Proceedings from the two - day symposium «Art and Interculturality in the Mediterranean Region: departing from antiquity – looking towards the future», Department of Audio and Visual Arts, University of Corfu, Fagotto Books (E- book), part of ISBN: 978-960-7260-51-2, pp. 129-143.       

  • Batsis D., (2013). ''Οn Sonic Art: Sound Art and its Prospects'', Proceedings from the Conference: Sonic Art Interdiciplinary Approaches, Department of Fine Arts and Art Sciences, University of Ioannina, in conjunction with the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Ioannina and the Region of Epirus. url
  • Batsis D., Georgaki, A., Tigas, P. (2012). ''Visual Aspects Of Cardiac Biomusic: From Theory To Praxis'', Proceedings from the 12th International Music Theory Conference «Principles of Music Composing: Links between Music and Visual Arts», Lithuanian Composers Union, Vilnius, Lithuania.

  • Batsis D., (2012). "Visual Sound (Sound in the Art of the Twentieth Century)", Proceedings from the  Scientific Conference «Musical Expression and Creation», New Technologies and Distance Education Workshop, University of Ioannina,  Art Gallery Leandros Spartiotis, Preveza, Greece. url

Conference Papers on Sound and Music in Preschool Education (Peer-Reviewed)
  • Μπατσής Δ., Νούσια, A., Batsis D., Nousia A. (2019). ''Νέα Μέσα και μουσική: Διαδραστικές Tεχνολογικές Εφαρμογές στον Παιδικό Σταθμό'' [New Media and Music: Interactive Technological Applications at the Kindergarten], δημοσίευση στα πρακτικά του 28ου Διεθνούς Συνέδριου Ανθρωπιστικών και Κοινωνικών Επιστημών, Ινστιτούτο Πολιτισμού, Δημοκρατίας και Εκπαίδευσης, σσ. 475-489. url

  • Κανελλοπούλου Ε., Noύσια Α., Μπατσής Δ., Kanellopoulou E., Nousia A., Batsis D., (2019). ''Η Μέθοδος Project στην Προσχολική Αγωγή'' [Τhe Project Method in Preschool Education], δημοσίευση στα Πρακτικά του 6ου Επιστημονικού Συνεδρίου: «Νέος Παιδαγωγός», σσ. 1737-1744. url

  • Noύσια Α., Κανελλοπούλου Ε., Μπατσής Δ.,  Nousia A., Kanellopoulou E., Batsis D. (2019). ''Η Διαθεματική Προσέγγιση στην Προσχολική Αγωγή. Δραστηριότητες και Πρακτικές'' [The Interdisciplinary Approach to  Preschool Education. Activities and Practices], δημοσίευση στα πρακτικά του 6ου συνεδρίου: «Νέος Παιδαγωγός», σσ. 1730-1736. url

  • Μπατσής Δ.,  Νούσια A., Batsis D., Nousia A., (2018).''O Ήχος και η Mουσική ως Eπικοινωνιακός Παράγοντας Ανάμεσα στο Γονέα και το Παιδί'' [Sound and Music as a Means of Communication Between Parent and Child], δημοσίευση στα πρακτικά του 5ου συνεδρίου: «Νέος Παιδαγωγός», σσ. 1696-1703. url

  • Νούσια Α., Μπατσής Δ., Χαρίση Α., Κανελλοπούλου Ε., Κουκουνούρη Α.-Ε., Nousia A., Batsis D., Charisi A., Kanellopoulou E., Koukounouri A.-E (2017). ''Αναδιαμορφώνοντας τον Εσωτερικό Χώρο μίας Τάξης Παιδικού Σταθμού'' [Remodeling the Interior of a Kindergarten Classroom], δημοσίευση στα Πρακτικά του Διεπιστημονικού Συνεδρίου με Διεθνή Συμμετοχή «Χώροι για το παιδί ή χώροι του παιδιού;», Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Θεσσαλονίκη, σσ. 190-203. url

Referee for scientific publications
  • Stephanie Fulton, Dexter Aichele, Eva Coulon, Mattew Kizer, Anna Conser, William Bares. (2022). Stage Together: Remote Rehearsal of Theater Blocking. 2:1-2:5, MOCO '22: 8th International Conference on Movement and Computing, Chicago, IL, USA, June 22 - 24, 2022. ACM 2022, ISBN:9781450387163, pp. 1-5.

  • Renivaldo da Souza. (2022). Playfulness: A Challenge to Contemporary Teachers:, 27/04/2022.

  • Juan Pablo de Lucca. (2021). Soundscape Composition: A Possible Framework Research on Artistic Strategies for the Use of Field Recordings in Sound Art, Exploring the Concepts Established by the Work of the World Soundscape Project ( WSP):, 05/12/2021.

Significant invited international lectures
  • 13/11/2024: Batsis D., Invergo B., e-Presentation,  «2nd Sound and New Media Art Conference: New Sentient and Spectrums»,   School of Arts at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto, Portugal. url  

  • 18/05/2023: Batsis D., Grigoriadou, M, El Raheb, K., Politis, A., e-Presentation, «28th International Symposium of Electronic Art ISEA 2023» , Paris, France. (url, mention in p. 13)

  • 12/05/2023: Grigoriadou M., Batsis D., Loukakis G., Lekkas T., e-Presentation, «5th International Conference Digital Culture and Audiovisual Challenges: Interdisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology DCAC», Audiovisual Arts Department, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece. url

  • 28/05/2022: 08-10/7/2021: El Raheb K., Antoniadis P., Stergiou M., Zannos I., Palacio P., Roussou M., Batsis D., «Xenakis Centenary International Symposium», National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Université Paris 8, EUR ArTeC, MUSIDANSE, The Friends of Xenakis Association, The University of the Peloponnese, Iannis Xenakis’ work Workshop, Nafplio, Greece. (url, mention in p. 9) 

  • 08-10/7/2021: Batsis D., International Conference «WAC International Encounters/Conference», Department of Fine and Applied Arts, University of Western Macedonia, Prespa, Greece. (url, mention in p. 6)

  • 29/05/2021: Batsis D., Grigoriadou, M., e-Presentation, International Conference «3rd International Conference Digital Culture and AudioVisual Challenges: Interdisciplinary Creativity in Arts and Technology», Audiovisual Arts Department, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece. url 

  • 07/12/2019: Μπατσής Δ.,  Νούσια A., Batsis D., Nousia A., Εισήγηση στο «28ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο Ανθρωπιστικών και Κοινωνικών Επιστημών», Ινστιτούτο Πολιτισμού, Δημοκρατίας και Εκπαίδευσης, στo Συνεδριακό και Πολιτιστικό Κέντρο του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών. (url, αναφορά στη σελ. 19)

  • 28/04/2018: Μπατσής Δ.,  Νούσια A., Βatsis D., Nousia A., e-Presentation για το διεθνές 5ο Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο «Νέος Παιδαγωγός» στο Ίδρυμα Ευγενίδου. url

  • 19/05/2017: Μπατσής Δ., Βatsis D., Εισήγηση στο Διεπιστημονικό Συνέδριο με Διεθνή συμμετοχή «Χώροι για το παιδί ή χώροι του παιδιού;», στο Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης. 

  • 28/06/2013: Batsis D., Two-Day Symposium «7th Audiovisual Arts Festival», Department of Audiovisual Arts of Ionian University - Region of Ionian Islands, Ionian Academy, Corfu, Greece. (url, pdf mention in p. 1) 

  • 16/10/2012: Batsis D., Georgaki A., Tigas P. ''Cardiac Biomusic''. 12th International Music Theory Conference. «Principles of Music Composing: Links between Music and Visual Arts», Lithuanian Composers Union, Vilnius, Lithuania. url

  • 01/05/2012: Batsis D., International Research Conference «Technoetic Telos: Art, Myth and Me¬dia», Planetary Collegium - Plymouth University, Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture, Kefalonia, Greece. url

  • 24/03/2012: Batsis D., International Symposium «Music Expression and Creation», Art Gallery Leandros Spartiotis, Preveza, Greece. url

Organiser of scientific conferences
  • 13/04/2013: A full - day sympsosium (organiser and curator) «Sonic Art Intedisciplinary Approaches», Fine Arts and  Art Sciences, in conjunction with the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Ioannina and the Region of Epirus. url

Lectures and presentations in Higher Education
  • Postgraduate Prgramme in Visual Arts 19/11/2024: Department of Fine Arts and Art Sciences. Presentation and Lecture: Sound Art: Transformations of Space and Perception. url

  • Undergraduate Module Art-Science and Technology 29/05/2024: Department of Digital Arts and Cinema, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Presentation and Lecture: Algorithmic Modalities in Sound and Visual Arts. 

  • Undergraduate Module Music and Audiovisual Media 31/03/2023: Department of Audio and Visual Arts, Ionian University.  Presentation and Lecture: Sound as a Communicative Medium in Audiovisual Applications. url

  • 4th Creative International Digital Encounter ''Children & Youth Performing On Air'' 22/04/2023: Theatrical Cultural Artistic Center "Poupoulo" Drama Center, Thessaloniki. e – Presentation: Sound Design in Theatre and the Arts. url

  • Βody Narratives Workshop 05/05/2021: Department of Architecture Engineering, The Laboratory of Environmental Communication and Audiovisual Documentation (LECAD), University of Thessaly. Presentation and Lecture: Sound art in AI embodied systems. url

  • Undergraduate Art History course 15/12/2020: Athens School of Fine Arts (ASFA). Presentation and Lecture: Sound Art - Minimal Land.

  • Postgraduate Course in Audiovisual Arts 10/12/2020: Department of Fine Arts and Art Sciences, School of Fine Arts, University of Ioannina. Presentation and Lecture: Raised by Ra: A Speculative Approach to Sound Design through Culture and the Arts. url

  • Crossing the Metaverse module 30/11/2020: Artist Designer: Maker, Undergraudate Course, School of Arts & Design, Cardiff Metropolitan University. Presentation and Lecture: Sonic Guides in the Metaverse.

  • Undergraduate Course Animation 10/11/2020: Department of Fine Arts and Art Sciences, School of Fine Arts, University of Ioannina. Presentation and Lecture: Sound in Animation. Presentation and Lecture: Sound in Animation.

  • Radicant Diary Workshop 14-17/05/2019: Department of Fine Arts and Art Sciences, School of Fine Arts, University of Ioannina -  Annex of Tsepelovo. Presentation and Lecture on 15/05/2019: Remote Viewer. url

  • Circuit Bending Workshop 10/04/2019: Department of Fine Arts and Art Sciences, School of Fine Arts, University of Ioannina. Presentation and Lecture: Modified Paths. url

  • Mimesis & Diversion Workshop 01-02/04/2019: Department of Architecture Engineering, Polytechnic School, Democritus university of Thrace. Presentation and Lecture on 01/04/2019: Laughing Quietly: Ether Manipulations. url

  • Production Design Workshop 20-25/02/2019: Department of Fine Arts and Art Sciences, School of Fine Arts, University of Ioannina. Presentation and Lecture on 22/02/2019: Sound in Movies/Animation. url

  • Undergraduate course Scenography 20/01/2009: Department of Plastic Arts and Art Sciences, University of Ioannina. Series of presentations in the course of Harris Kontosfiris. Presentation and Lecture: The Human Body in New Media.

Activities, workshops, seminar curation and organisation
  • 20/02/2025: Icho-topia Workshop with Christina Palmese, Department of Fine Arts and Art Sciences, School of Fine Arts, University of Ioannina. url  

  • 24/02/2020: In Between Spaces, Games, Art & Data Seminar, Department of Fine Arts and Art Sciences, School of Fine Arts, University of Ioannina. url

  • 25/11/2019: Sound Design & Space Seminar, Department of Fine Arts and Art Sciences, School of Fine Arts, University of Ioannina. url

  • 02/11/2019: Art & Artificial Intelligence Seminar, Department of Fine Arts and Art Sciences, School of Fine Arts, University of Ioannina. url

  • 10-14/04/2019: Circuit Bending Workshop, Department of Fine Arts and Art Sciences, School of Fine Arts, University of Ioannina. url
©2025 Dimitris Batsis